experience the results of Success, passionately pursuing what you were born to do.

We simplify how to get Progressively Productive results in your business, career & personal life through the discovery of purpose in leadership.

Your Mindset guide - Shane O’Donnell

For 30+ years Shane has proven experience on how to produce the results he wants. Having been a Director of a publicly listed company, reaching his first million-dollar milestone at 30, and recently successfully selling his family-owned business, he is now on a mission to guide others to find the thing they were born to do (Personal Purpose) and how to use their passion to inspire what they do, to get the results they want and go on to experience life on their terms.

Your current reality won’t change until You Decide to change it.

What were you born to do?

It’s so much easier to continue to conform and remain in the comfort of what you know how to do, rather than pursuing your purpose and what’s possible.

It takes a new understanding to confidently “risk” going after your purpose. When you make it your mission to discover your purpose in leadership, courage, confidence, and conviction replace comfort and conformity. (There is a “Natural Born Leader” in every Human Being, that includes you.)

No one ever got ahead without making continual personal leadership learning part of their lifestyle. Your continual progress requires a balance between both your internal and external focus. (Who you intend to be and what you currently do.)

Foundation: Make Purpose your Mission

Direction: Pathway To Your Purpose

Growth: Get Progressive Productive Results

  • "Before starting the Thinking Into Results system, I felt stuck on what I called my career rollercoaster. After starting the course and getting a better understanding of what real goal setting was and as I applied myself to the worksheets and realised, I had to answer these thought provoking questions with honesty. That’s when I began to see the transformation and the results soon followed. My accountability coach kept me on track and focused. After completing the course, I now have a better understanding of what holds me back and how to overcome these challenges and I now move forward confidently with my career goals."

    L. Purdie

  • "Before doing adopting this learning system I had no framework for setting or achieving goals. I knew I had goals but I’ve never had a structure or even anything to drive my desire to achieve them. Since completing the thinking into results mentorship, I now have a clear path and I’ve set goals I would never have of ever dreamt of working on! Thinking into results has changed my mindset, given me a framework and helped me focus on what I want to achieve for of my life. And I’m on track for achieving them."

    Letitia Newmann

  • "Before I started ‘Thinking into Results’, I did not have a set method for goal setting or a formula for how I achieved my goals, and I just went about them in the hopes of them happening. ‘Thinking into Results’ has helped me become more focused on what I want in my life and how to set those goals. It has also helped me understand my mind, how it works, and how powerful our thoughts and actions are. When I began to understand this, I was excited by the idea that I could improve results in every area of my life. This mentorship is also helping me to overcome limiting thought patterns as well as negative self-talk."

     Lara Pugh | Business Owner

  • “I used to get very distracted by my surroundings and external factors that would derail my whole day or feelings towards the work that I do. Through Shane's TIR Mentorship I have learnt key strategies in which to focus on what's important, my future now doesn't seem as out of reach as it used to. I now have a sense of belief that I will achieve my larger career goals. Before adopting this methodology I was working towards only goals which were small attainable and what I perceived then as achievable, now my goals are large and still remain as attainable. I am no longer scared to think bigger then what I can achieve in my current circumstances. My personal accountability coach (Letitia) has helped me stay on track and be a voice of comfort when I feel as though I may be getting off track.”

    Gina Erin O’Donnell | Account Director Sydney

  • "Thinking Into Results is an effective non-religious method for adjusting our life compass, and to help us achieve success in reaching our goals. The system can be equally used by individuals or business teams and is very much about deliberate effective thinking in a practical and clear way. This is much needed attribute in today’s high pressure world and this method will help avoid muddled thinking and can de-stress life in general. Shane’s a “natural” at Thinking into Results as he is truly dedicated to “teaching the wisdom” to improve peoples’ lives, he’s empathetic to his students particular circumstances, and always a source of good energy or tonic to those around him. Assisted by Letitia (personal coach) to stay on course. I’ve enjoyed Thinking into Results and I’d recommend it to anyone wanting to get back on track to reaching their goals."

    Max Doret

  • "Since November last year to today as I have been progressing through the Thinking into Results program, with you, I feel transformed. It feels as though I have been released from a set of chains. I am fundamentally changing the family business and kicked off 2 new businesses all with more energy and enthusiasm than I could have imagined. Importantly I am not working harder than I was or even doing more hours."

    Kerion, Health and Safety Consultant

  • Est. Conviction.

    Be deliberate. Decide what you want, next. Trust the creative process.

  • Compelling Picture.

    This is the vision or blueprint of what you want to experience next.

  • Inspired Action.

    Tap into the source of inspiration, at the heart of your identity, inspired ideas flow.

Establish a clear destination, Unshakable Confidence & conviction to Lead Your Field.

I work with entrepreneurs & high achievers. Successful individuals who’ve recognized they’ll never experience true satisfaction until they accomplish their bold “Impossible Goal.”

This is the goal they believe will fundamentally change everything.

The problem is their rational mind is holding them hostage. Their logic and reason cannot find the proof, that it’s even possible they can accomplish what it is they want to achieve, so their paradigm goes to work to suppress their desire. Their excuses become more powerful than their goal.

This is all corrected very quickly. When they reconnect with their goal, with their source of inspiration, and then go to work to get out of their own way.